Monday, March 17, 2014

The name of this blog

Why stuff? It's inspired by Joe. You ask him what he's been doing lately and he'll answer "Stuff". And it sounded a lot better than "Dreamful Musings of an Everyday Girl" or something poetical and mushy like that. So, until I come up with something better, this blog is dubbed "Stuff".

What you'll save on at the dollar store...and what you won't.

The dollar store looks great on the surface, right? Or maybe it just looks like a load of junk to you. But it's really a mixed bunch. So, to save you a few dollars....
Earbuds for just a dollar. Even at Walmart they don't seem to be less than $5. But the earbuds, if functional when you first get them, don't seem to last more than a day before they break. Broken earbuds don't deserve a dollar.

Dollar Tree has these in different designs, and while the Mead version has a plastic (more durable) cover, I think the dollar store has a better deal.
The Legend of Sigurd and Gudrun & other books
Okay, so this is one of the rarer finds at the dollar store, but I have seen it more than once. There are a few other books I have found cheaper there. I like the logic puzzles. If you like word searches there are a million there. Coloring books are also cheap.
6 for a dollar. Even at Walmart they are over a dollar for one. Do the math.
The dollar store hairbrushes bristles fall out and break. The expensive ones break eventually too but they generally last a lot longer.

Q & A....

How is this  blog any different from Google+?

I try to only post stuff on G+ that I think that others will find interesting....this blog, however, is more like a journal. I will post stuff I think is interesting, and if others like it they can read it too.

So....whatcha gonna blog about? Fashion? I hate fashion blogs. Too many selfies.

I'll try to make this mostly useful stuff. Mostly. ;) I dislike fashion blogs too. I might post occasional clothes or hair related stuff but it definitely won't be the majority of posts.

Why are you doing Q & A anyways? I didn't ask you any questions!

Well, every blog has to start somewhere, right? I can't just go posting random stuff! Or can I? Maybe I will delete this later...or move it into its own special page. I just had to get it started.